The Story of a Promise

Once there was a great King who ruled a mighty Kingdom. He reigned from His throne, which was above all powers and principalities. This Kingdom abided in unity, and everyone and everything was at harmony with one another. The people of the Kingdom were fiercely loyal to their King, and they loved Him as He loved them: completely. Then, one dreadful day, a single act of rebellion split the Kingdom in two.

The One realm became two, and in the first realm, where the King resided, the loyal subjects wept for the loss of the second realm. The King, too, was dismayed. He was not sad for Himself, for He knew that He would be fine without the loyalty of His once-loving subjects, but He was sad for the people who had been lost into the second realm. He knew that they would never live without Him.

The loyal subjects in the first realm saw the sadness of their King, and they wondered what they might do for Him. How could they reclaim the second realm? They knew their King could retake the realm in a snap if He were but allowed to enter it, but because of a law that He had set into place, the King was barred from entering the second realm without invitation.

Yet, there was a way...

The King knew it would be difficult. It would require time, effort, and sacrifice. There would be no going back once started, and many would fail before success came. He wondered if He could ask it of His subjects, but having faith, He brought the matter to them.

He was King, yes, and so He could simply have ordered them to do what He wanted, but that was neither His way nor His desire. He required loyalty, not coercion, and so He asked His subjects to do what others might have ordered.

The King's subjects gathered in the Presence of the King and listened to what He had to say.

"My People!" He called, "I set before you today a great undertaking such as has never been seen before. I cannot directly enter my other realm, but I can send you, and you, in turn, can bring Me. Behold! I shall send you out as sheep amongst wolves. I shall send you to a place where you will not want to go.

You will forget who you are. You will forget this place. Some of you might even forget Me. But I make you this oath: I shall come again and bring You back to myself that You might also bring back the second realm.

Wherever you go, I shall find you, and wherever you are I shall be. And when you remember Me, you will invite me to you and I shall go to places I had not been able to go before. This will take time, but I send you as a promise.

You shall be my promise to the realm that I will again possess it. It has not been left to wither and die. It has not gone down to the grave never to be resurrected. I have prepared a place for it, and for those who dwell therein, that where I am, there creation might be also, united again as one.

It will be difficult. Many will fail, for many are called but few are chosen. But to those who overcome I will give the greatest reward that exists: Myself."

And all the people said, "Amen."


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