
There is an evil tree
That sprung up inside
When forefather Adam
Chose the path of pride

The tree spoke of evil, the tree spoke of good
And it separated us as it never should
It cut off creation from that which was life
And filled up our heads with terrible lies.

In each man the tree of knowledge must fall
You can have good and evil
Or you can have Yahweh
So lay axe to the root,
Pluck off every leaf
Strip off each branch,
Each fruit that deceives.

Dig down to make sure
That no root remains
That tree shall not grow
In this heart again.

I am not evil,
I am not good,
I go beyond that
To where freedom stood
Of the tree of knowledge
I shall not imbibe
Instead I drink deeply
From the tree of life.

The tree of existence
The tree of being
The tree that keeps going
In spite of the pain
The tree that lifts creation
Up to new heights,
Yes, I drink the water
From the tree of life.

And faith is the cup
I use to imbibe
By faith I keep going
By faith I shan’t strive
By faith I drink water
From the tree of life. 


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