Stolen, Recovered

It started as a whisper, but soon became a shout
A shout that was heard throughout the ages
“Yahweh doesn’t love you, hasn’t given you all things
Everything you need for generations.”

Because the first lie wasn’t that you would be like gods
That you would have the wisdom of the Father
The first lie was implicit in that statement above:
That we weren’t like Yahweh, that we were “other.”

But we didn’t have to eat of the fruit to be like God
We didn’t have to partake of that tree
Because we always were One with Yahweh God
And how could we be more like Him than this?

But they believed the lie, the man and woman both
And when they took the fruit of separation
They brought about the curse that all creation knows
And with the axe of lies brought condemnation.

And thousands upon thousands of years had come and gone
And people born in every generation
Never realized what had truly been lost
Because the enemy brought separation.

But then one precious day, Yahshua came to Earth
To bring us back into the Truth again
He came because He wanted creation to unfold
The way Yahweh intended when it began.

And on the cross He died, showing us His love
Showing us there WASN’T separation
In dying, He brought life, and He made us One
Uniting us again as His Creation.

But the enemy, that liar, continued to speak
Into the hearts of the stewards of creation
Saying Yahweh didn’t really want us to be His
That all there ever was was separation.

But how could this be so, us not One with Him?
How could we be other than united?
When everybody knows lie isn’t creation
That only TRUTH can be and truth is righteous.

There is no separation, there’s only unity
For only Yahweh’s Word can create
On each day of Creation Yahweh said, “Let it be”
And Word and Spirit carried out Heaven’s mandate.

And so I write this poem, some rumors to dispel
Rumors that aroused a righteous anger
Yahweh loves us truly, Yahweh loves us well
And being separate never was a danger. 


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