
Walking through the darkness all around
Suddenly, I stop, hearing a sound
My soul is screaming, "I'm going to die,"
Death is wrestling with my life.

Responding in the darkness, I hear a voice
But it's hard to make it out through all the noise.
"Soul, be quiet! Die faster please
So the Christ can more fully live in me."

Though I cannot see with my natural eyes
The eyes of faith are open wide
And though I cannot, with my mind, comprehend
I stand on a Rock that will not bend.

Walking through the darkness, tears on my face
I am still standing, for I have great faith
And Yahweh's abundant, endless grace
I will hold on, I shall not faint.

I know on the other side my promise is waiting
So I will press on, courage unabating
It doesn't matter how much the fire burns
It doesn't matter how much the pain hurts

All that matters is the Word, the Truth in me
And this Truth, though it's unseen, I can see

It isn't ahead, in front, to the side
It's not above me or even behind
The Truth that I stand on is here with me now
My Rock, firm foundation, the only solid ground.

Walking in the darkness that me surrounds
I stop suddenly, hearing a sound
The Word of my Father shall quiet my soul
The Word of my Father has made me whole.


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