Sparkle, Shine, Oh Star of Mine

Sparkle, shine, oh star of Mine
Steadily light the way
A star in the night is the promise of light
The certainty of a new day

Steady on, celestial one
Let anointed trumpets blow
Hear, oh ears, the resounding of years
Let all the people know

There is hope in the darkness
There is rest in the breeze
There is peace in the comfort of home
There is truth in the speaking
And silence in ease
But My light shall carry you on

Whether traipsing through sand
Or rocky, hard ground
And in walking on water, too
There is something surer than what you have found
Much deeper than what you can do

Reality's strong under illusory earth
What you see is not really what is
But close tight your eyes and see with your heart
A Truth that just cannot be missed

There is peace in the battle 
There's rest in the storm
I've comforted, "Peace, be still!" 
Take your eyes off the water
The swirling harsh swarm
I'm still sleeping, so all is well.

Sparkle and shine, oh steady on light
Forget not where you are from
When you are surrounded by cold, endless night
You're really surrounded by Love

And as you receive it and as you believe it
You shine all the brighter still
So that others can see and then come to be
Shining stars themselves. 

As you've heard my Word, so you shall be heard
Sending my Promise on forth
A strong steady light in others' long nights
So be with me, just stay the course. 

Sparkle, shine, oh star of Mine
You give me great delight
For you are what I saw before time
And I've placed you here, tonight. 


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