Ballad of a Poet

I never feel so much at peace
As when I'm writing poetry
Words dancing in a rhythm on a page

It's then that I know who I am
And remember Yahweh's plan
It's then that I dig deeply with Yahweh

When all about me chaos swirls
Emotions turbulently whirl
By poetry, I put thoughts into order

The Holy Spirit starts to flow
And I remember what I know
And then I can fully cross the border

Between the threshold and dimensions
In poetry, I build extensions
Bridges that allow me 'cross the line

I receive such revelation
Yahweh's joy and jubilations
In poetry and parables are mine

So I will write and keep on writing
The grace of Yahweh so exciting
I will not forget why I was made

I will be embraced by Yahweh
I shall feel the joy of His faith
And receive all that His poetry relays.


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