Changing the World

If the world is built upon the foundation of Our Love
And the anchor points in that foundation
Is the relationship We have with everyman in everyway,
Then changing the world
Means changing relationships
(For Love, oh Love, can never change)

I used to relate to others
Through the paradigm of Christianity
Some were “in” and some were “out” based solely upon their theology
Instead of who I knew them to be as people,
And I gave my trust wholeheartedly to those who had the right theology
And denied it entirely from those who did not

And it’s completely terrifying to me
To know that my friends who I trusted so much in my Christianity
Will now do the same to me
Because I am “out” of their theology

I am not an atheist,
I have not abandoned YHWH and His Love and His Truth,
I have simply grown beyond the places where Christianity limited me,
But to do so I had to give up all of Christianity
And simply learn to be

I must,
I had to,
I know that to survive I must grow,
For growth is inherent in life,
And I have been so surrounded by death
That I could easily succumb to it
If I did not choose to grow,
If I did not choose life,

But now I’m terrified
For I have lost everything already
And yet now I must lose more,
For to change the world, I must change my relationships
And how I relate to everyman,
Not as a Christian,
But simply as a human
Who has remembered the divine

For I am one with everyman,
Whether they know it or not,
But in learning of this lack of separation,
Shall I separation cause
By repudiating the religion
That raised me in separation
And thus igniting the separation in the hearts of those
Who still subscribe to that religion
When I only want to be One?

But I must go on,
And so I take the step of faith to relate
That I am not a Christian
Because if all my worlds are going to die,
There must be resurrection,
And there is no room for Christian limitation
In my new life.


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