The Value of Giving Up

They said
You can fix anything with enough faith and declarations,
With enough hard work and perseverance and grit and determination
If you give it enough time and do everything just right
Then everything will turn out fine, what you want will be in sight

But believing this to be true can be detrimental to you
As you pour your being out upon a dusty, thankless ground
And wish for things not known, but which in your mind has grown
Through ideals and partial vision, in understanding’s schism

Sometimes it’s better to let things be, trust the perfection you cannot see,
To embrace the holy fact that sometimes you simply can’t,
When you’ve come to the end of your rope, sometimes it’s healthy to let go
And using wisdom and discernment, learn to see the Word that’s Perfect

There’s value in perseverance, but not in legalistic adherence
To staying strong and fighting through, even though it’s killing you
And if in the end you do not hold in your hand the promise which you did demand
Is it due to lack of faith, did you as son not take your place?

The idea that we must have failed if our vision does not prevail,
That it’s because of some transgression or some lack of intercession,
That we should have done something more! This mindset’s unhealthy at its core
Because sometimes we cannot see the fullness of the Tapestry

Sometimes it’s better and it’s right to let go and pick up your life,
Sometimes you have to save yourself at the expense of someone else,
For each has his own sovereignty, and we must trust what we can’t see
And so there is value in giving up and trusting in the Greater Love

Sometimes we must hold on and keep the Promise burning strong,
But sometimes we have to let go and trust what Greater Love can show,
For there are always deeper Truths and we will find them worthy, too,
And when the Promise slips away, we’ll find it in another place

For the Word is yes and amen, but sometimes it looks different
But we will never see the whole if we do not give up control
And trust the Love that’s in Ourself to show us everything is well
Even in the midst of greatest loss, there is a gain that’s worth the cost.


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