At My Fingertips

Have you ever felt that there was a revelation at the edge of your fingertips,
Just out of reach, but that if you could stretch a little further, perhaps strain a little more,
You'd find it?
But I know that straining and striving are not the way,
This is not how to obtain
The revelation Yahweh gave
Freely to you already by grace.

So I stop reaching and I create, for all creation speaks of Yahweh's glory
The heavens declare the glories of Yahweh
But the act of creating itself binds irrevocably
The Creator and the created
For when I create, I understand
The intricate nature of Yahweh's plan
And marvel at His ability
To make order out of mystery.

And as the chaos of existence swirls around me,
The emotions, the feelings, the thoughts that bring the doubts that plague my nights,
Cause me to sweat, make my heart pound, steal my breath and make me wonder
If I can ever really be free and complete
When all along I was made to be
Whole and beautiful, wise and free
And Yahweh planted a seed in me
That's just about to make itself seen.

In creating, in submitting, to Yahweh's order, I realize that the chaos around me
Is meaningless. That He has created so subtly, so perfectly, that every single
Individual piece of my life must fit together seamlessly into a perfect
Puzzle that comes together in such a way
That all things work together always
For the good of those who love Yahweh
And are to His purpose bound eternally.

So I write this poem, my fingertips flying across the keyboard, touching randomly placed
letters and making them into words, and words into sentences, and sentences into
And somehow I begin to understand
A small part of Yahweh's plan
The beauty of His redemption
To save the life of mortal man
That all that happened in the past
Can come together in one vast
Tapestry of beauty and hope
And in seeing the big picture, I can know
The majesty and wonder of Him
Who can create such beautiful things
And from the chaos that surrounds
Bring stability, solid ground
An established Word on which to stand
All of creation between two hands
Outstretched, spread wide upon a cross
But never seen as such great loss
For by this act the world was saved
And out of chaos, by His faith
Yahweh did His world create
And finish in the same instant
What He had only just started
As Yahshua's obedience manifest
The joy, the peace, the lasting rest
Of knowing without really knowing how
It all works together some way, somehow
And so the Beginning is here and now
Redemption of parts so the whole can be found.
And Yahweh's grace forever abounds.

And at my fingertips life is found
In the letters on a keyboard,
The faith in a sound
For just as letters come together to make words,
So the Word has come to get us to make purpose,
Meaning of the meaningless,
Order to the chaos.
Grace and faith as Heaven and Earth come together as One.
And just as in the Beginning,
It is already done.


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