How the War is One

This is how the war is one,
one battle at a time,
One truth, one hope, revelation
Faith for grace divine.

This is how the Kingdom spreads
One victory, one vow
Believing all that Yahweh says
Receiving it in the now.

Claiming Yahweh's victory
He already gave to you
Resting in His perfect peace,
His Word that's ever true.

This is how the battle ends
When I surrender all
Knowing Yahweh is my friend
He'll never let me fall

When I embrace eternal trust
Believing Yahshua's Word
That He proclaimed upon the cross
"It is finished," vict'ry assured.

For He has promised grace to us,
To love us all our days
Stretching His hands upon the cross
By oath, confirmed His ways.

And this is how the war is one:
One battle fought for all
When Yahweh sent His only son
To undo Adam's fall.

This is how the war is won,
It's finished, I have peace
Because I know the war is one
Yahshua made it complete.


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