
Redemption is a process, long and drawn out and messy
Not at all what you thought it would be, what you signed up for
Yet it is beautiful
And it happens all at once
Redemption is a process, awkward and strange and worrisome
Sometimes you wonder if it is even happening at all
Or if you just imagined the healing,
The growth
The peace.
And yet there comes a moment in the midst of this inexplicable and wonderful and strange process where you cannot deny the power of the living God in your life, where you not only see the contrast between
What was
What is
But you see the past and the present and the future and you know that, even though it is a process, it is also completed and you are free
And your past, with all the pain and sorrow, becomes a beautiful thing as all that was bad evaporates
And only the good remains
Your future, bright upon the horizon, fresh and new, with all the mistakes already atoned for, already counted
As your faith meets Yahweh's offering
Of Himself,
The price of redemption
And you are finally able to see, finally able to receive what He gave you, what He has been offering you all along, all throughout this long and awkward process
Whole, complete,
The only whole and complete in the infinite eternity of time and space,
And space that was shattered, and reformed again
As each piece receives the wholeness and completion, the oneness
of the Creator Himself
The Redeemer
Who was and is and is to come
In this process
This beautiful, beautiful process
Of becoming again who He created us to be in the first place
Whole, complete,


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