Your Ways (Praise Flow)

Yahweh, You are like chocolate after a long fast
Joy after such an endless time of being sad
But I have seen what it's like
To have windows after living in the dark
And now I see the light
I am and You are

Expansion after being confined
Sanity after losing my mind
Freedom after being locked away in the dark
Faith after living in fear
After loneliness, You are here
And now we are one.

Vision after being so blind
No longer worrying all of the time
Stepping into new territories
Knowing You are near
And now I can be me
At peace with all I see
Knowing You've taken it all and made it redeemed

Flowing in purpose, not hiding in pain
Knowing You're worth it, I'd do it again
Your promises sure and always sustained
I am because You are

The biggest blessing I've ever known
Being able to relate to You as a son
Though You're so much bigger than I can perceive
You've come in order to relate to me
And I know that You love me
And I know You are here
And I never have to doubt again
Or push away Your hand

Life so beautiful, even more so
For knowing now what I never thought I could know
Seeing in person what started by faith
No wonder You made the world work this way!
You're absolutely brilliant and all that you know
I must simply trust until you choose to show
What You have done is so infinitely grand
In every moment You have a hand
Even though sometimes I don't understand
I trust You to be God and I'll be human
Because through that trust when I finally see
It's more beautiful than I thought that it could be
But that beauty's something You knew all along
While I was still fighting not to be wrong
Thank You for doing what You've always done
For creating such beauty, for making us One
I love how Your world works, Your process, Your law
And I will keep walking in it; I won't stop
Sustained by my faith until my eyes can see
Anchored in You, I can live and just be.


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