Stream of Consciousness

We are born
Our consciousness of this world awakes
And we forget everything that we once knew, who we were, that we were
We forget our Creator, our Father, our Best Friend
We forget why we are here and what we are doing and we wander around lost, alone, and afraid trying to figure things out that just don't make sense, can't make sense
They won't make sense until we Remember
And yet, the world pushes and pulls at us, beckoning in every moment, "Come! Go! Run! Stay!" and we attempt to break free, for we are all searching for the answer, for Reality, but instead of remembering who we are and where we're from and that we are loved by
Our Creator, our Father, our Best Friend
We start to fight against the world, pushing back and pulling stronger and screaming, "No! Wait! This is not the way!"
But the battle itself becomes bondage to many as they focus only upon vanquishing the evils that surround them and forget again
Our Creator, our Father, our Best Friend
And in so doing, they forget themselves, for we cannot exist, cannot be without Him
And so our consciousness of this world, whether we are bound to it because we enjoy it
Or we hate it and rail against it
Keeps us from truly superseding it, rising above it, and remembering
Our Creator, our Father, our Best Friend
And we focus on improving ourselves and motivating ourselves and trying to make ourselves happy
We switch jobs and spouses and locations and actions
Always looking, always searching for something more, something we once knew
Our Creator, our Father, our Best Friend
Or we fight the demons on every doorknob and rail against the evils that surround us, joining every church league and charity event, sponsoring every chance to end illness or poverty or childhood disability and still we find that we haven't found
Our Creator, our Father, our Best Friend
And we miss what's right in front of us, what has been here all along
Do we not know? Can we not see? Do we not remember?
In all the searching and seeking have we missed the realty that
He already came back and found us?
Our Creator, our Father, our Best Friend
The still small voice in the night that whispers, "It's ok. I'm here. You are home."


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