Death to Superficiality

I rip the bonds and break the chains,
I burn the box and say amen
I damn all limitations
That bring lack of connection

I damn the following mindsets,
Cause them to burn up to ashes
So that we can build better things
Than our former superficial ways:

This person is a different race,
We can’t connect in deeper ways
They’re scary and they need to change
So we can pretend we’re all the same

This person might have a disease
And they might bring it home to me
And it might cause me real problems
Best to lock them away in a dark closet

This person has a different way
Of seeing and describing God, Yahweh,
Creation, existence, life, and Source,
They need to pray and take my course

This person has romantic thoughts
For people other than who they “ought”
They should change their sexuality
To fit what I approve and comfort me

These lies shall die in the pit of Hell
As human hearts grow and swell
So we can accept those who are different than us
And still in the depths connect in Love

This person, at the core of who they are,
Expresses Love differently, but we’ve the same heart
And we need to have deep and real connections
To heal the world and love again

On greater depths shall we rebuild
With more of love and less of Hell
Death to superficiality
And to the pain it’s causing humanity!


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