The Unheard Cry

 Babies who are neglected, left lying in their crib

Crying out for help that they’re never going to get

Eventually go silent, and from there they cease to cry

Realizing there won’t ever be help for them in the night


Children who misbehave because they’re not sure what to say,

Who want adults to help them, though they do not know the way

To explain what their life is like or how it really hurts,

Or to believe it’s even possible for something better to occur


Eventually stop caring, these children’s hearts become like ice,

For they know that no one will rescue them or teach them to be nice,

Giving up on any connection or a loving, helping hand,

They look out only for themselves; everyone else be damned


Adults who reach out to others, telling them how their actions hurt,

Who set boundaries and ask for people to stop treating them like dirt

And get told that they are selfish for asking that their needs be met,

They don’t deserve consideration and that themselves they must forget


Who spend months and years just reaching out only to be slapped away,

To be invited to join only if they’re totally okay,

Who are considered inconvenient if they have competing needs

Eventually stop trying to with other people meet


When cries go unheard in darkness, we eventually cease to cry

Knowing surely no one loves us and they would rather that we die

Than spend any effort on us, getting up in darkest night

To soothe us and remind us the sun will eventually rise


We’ve built an entire society around these silenced cries,

Telling people just to man up and to meet their own desires

We take from them with one hand, but with the other hand don’t give,

So how can we expect people to think we want them to live?


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