Until We Have Faces Again

 I wish that I could see you and everything you are,

That I could look upon your face and honor your beautiful heart,

I wish that I could know you, and that we could connect,

But all of this will have to wait until we have faces again


I want you to know I want you and I don’t think you’re a risk,

I see you as a human being worthy of connecting with,

I wish that we could smile and see each others’ expressions,

But all of this will have to wait until we have faces again


The news shares faceless numbers and makes terrible projections,

But every number has a face, a human attached to it,

And each individual matters, should be seen and loved for who he is,

But all of this will have to wait until we have faces again


Terror is running rampant across society,

They take control of others because they fear a disease

Choosing to offer some protection and some to sacrifice,

Acting with great hypocrisy because they fear their own demise


Instead of seeing us as individuals who can choose how we should live,

They decide what they think is good for us by erasing our faces,

Allowing each of us to do all that we can to protect ourselves and those we love,

Would be oh so much better than this egregious breach of trust


But what else is going to happen when those making decisions

Have never even met us and mandate from such a great distance

I hope one day we can know each other more deeply and treasure each person as a gift,

But all of this will have to wait until we have faces again.


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