
Showing posts from 2013


Every Goliath we face Will one day be a bear And every bear we’ve slain Was once Goliath So we are now victorious We need only be aware And face whatever we face In sure triumph I have slain the giant! I have killed the one Who tried to come against My sacred calling And all I had to do Was see things as a son To know that Babylon’s Already fallen.

The Tenth Leper

Once there was a leper Whose life was surely hell He walked in a world that wouldn’t Allow him therein to dwell Until one day he was walking Along a dusty road And He met the Messiah Who made him to be whole There were nine other lepers Who were all healed too But this tenth leper was the only one Who seemed to have a clue “Oh thank you dear Messiah!” And at His feet he fell “Arise and go your way,” He said “Your faith has made you well.” But this was just one leper And there were many more Who thought that they were surely Beating down death’s door Many people cried And healing they demanded But would they give their lives As was so commanded? But those of us who Will our lives sacrifice Can rest in assurance that He’ll make everything right “Oh thank you dear Messiah!” Each of our hearts will swell “Arise and go your way,” He’ll say “Your faith has made you well.” I remember when I lived in

The Infinite Loop

I am Infinity Anchored in a soul Anchored in a body Anchored in generations Anchored in a Tree By its roots, anchored in the land Which is anchored in the Earth Anchored in the sun, Which anchors the solar system That is anchored in our galaxy Anchored in a universe That is anchored in Infinity Who is Yahweh And He is in me.

I Know Why Creation Sings!

I know why the brook babbles flowing over rocks I know why the wind whistles through trees I know why birds sing flying in great flocks I know why creation sings! I know why cats purr, I know why babies coo I know why there's a sound for everything we do I know why dogs bark and wolves howl at the moon All creation sings for joy: Yahshua's coming soon! Every breath, every blink, every heartbeat cries All of Yahweh's creation as a witness testifies And yet who sings louder than I, for I join this symphony All creation sings as One in perfect harmony. 

Stolen, Recovered

It started as a whisper, but soon became a shout A shout that was heard throughout the ages “Yahweh doesn’t love you, hasn’t given you all things Everything you need for generations.” Because the first lie wasn’t that you would be like gods That you would have the wisdom of the Father The first lie was implicit in that statement above: That we weren’t like Yahweh, that we were “other.” But we didn’t have to eat of the fruit to be like God We didn’t have to partake of that tree Because we always were One with Yahweh God And how could we be more like Him than this? But they believed the lie, the man and woman both And when they took the fruit of separation They brought about the curse that all creation knows And with the axe of lies brought condemnation. And thousands upon thousands of years had come and gone And people born in every generation Never realized what had truly been lost Because the enemy brought separation. But


What an honor to be Abraham Chosen before time To build a mighty nation That dwells in grace sublime. What an honor to be David Chosen to be king To bring Yahweh’s will To Israel And all the psalms to sing. What an honor to be Mary Chosen to bear Christ A simple girl That heard the Word And brought the world new life. What an honor to be me Chosen of my God To be brought into righteousness That I will not be lost. And what an honor to be chosen To bring into Creation What Yahweh hoped for Longed to bring Through this generation.