
Showing posts from September, 2016

Praise (Why I Write)

Oh, I long to share with you the joy of Yahweh that I have experienced Yet I know that you must experience Him for yourself to truly see I have limited understanding, yet I have been in His Presence And there I have learned to live and be I have lived! I'm alive! I was dead just the other day! I remember when I died; I never though to live again Yet my Father, He is faithful, He remembered what He lost Though He had to give up everything He paid the entire cost I was dead, oh so dead, in my trespasses and sin Just in being in the lost and dying world I did not know that I could live; I had forgotten! But Yahweh came and made His banner unfurl Oh my Father, oh so faithful, oh magnificence and grace Oh the resurrection power that we can receive by faith Did you know, have you seen, have you tasted of the Word Have you realized the power that He offers Can you take up your cross and live by dying as you've heard Submitting to the King above all powers? Oh

Stream of Consciousness

We are born Our consciousness of this world awakes And we forget everything that we once knew, who we were, that we were We forget our Creator, our Father, our Best Friend We forget why we are here and what we are doing and we wander around lost, alone, and afraid trying to figure things out that just don't make sense, can't make sense They won't make sense until we Remember And yet, the world pushes and pulls at us, beckoning in every moment, "Come! Go! Run! Stay!" and we attempt to break free, for we are all searching for the answer, for Reality, but instead of remembering who we are and where we're from and that we are loved by Our Creator, our Father, our Best Friend We start to fight against the world, pushing back and pulling stronger and screaming, "No! Wait! This is not the way!" But the battle itself becomes bondage to many as they focus only upon vanquishing the evils that surround them and forget again Our Creator, our Father, ou

Ode to Night

Oh how I love the night A time for pondering and positing A time for pontificating and personalizing the Truth A time to prosper A time of Promise Oh to sit in the dark and talk with my Father about the day About His plans About His divine nature and ways A time of peace and solitude With the Prince of Peace and Rest No wonder night time is rest time And in some ways, although there is so much darkness in the night and Yahshua is the light of the world He is King of the Night He reigns and expresses Himself in the night in ways that He never could during the day And I find that I am appreciative of the night Grateful for the night Oh how I love the night.