
Showing posts from March, 2015

Activate the Covenant

Once before time 'ere the world ever began, Yahweh my God did stretch out His hand And from His mind sprung a wondrous plan This world to create at His own voice's command. He knew when He did, it would terribly fall But He would be able to redeem it all By grace through a covenant struck long ago Activated by a people who His voice know. First He spoke to His Son, the One who created The Word Himself spoken, to see what He'd say Yahshua agreed, though He knew of the pain That would come on that grandest and glorious day. Then He spoke to His people, told us what He'd thought of Saying, I will not do this without you as well. And He told us the power He'd place in us only If we agreed in His righteousness to dwell. Yahshua will die, to establish the covenant There's nothing you can do to alter it or change But it will mean nothing if you're not bound to it You must activate the covenant by faith. He promised us peace, provision, and

Mirando en Espejos

A veces yo paso tiempo pensando En lo que hay y lo que será Creo que soy demasiada pequeña Para hacer algo importante Pero cuando pienso en lo que Él hizo Cuando murió en la cruz por mi Recuerdo que soy todo lo que creyó Cuando me vio, la alegría enfrente de sí Y no quiero mirar en los espejos Y esperar, pensar en lo que soy Debo estar más allá que ello Pensando en su reino y su gloria Pero aquí estoy, mirando en espejos Pensando en lo que soy y lo que seré Si puedo, hoy, con todo lo que tengo Vencer finalmente la batalla adentro de mi Y recuerdo que soy enseñoreado Que Yahshua soberano, me lo di Ser un señor, por Él es señor de los señores Rey de reyes, sacerdote de todas personas así Y Él es mi señor, y conquistó mis enemigos Y luchó en la batalla para mi Y venció a todos que quieren dañar a yo Para que yo pudiera ser totalmente libre Así descanso, no lucho en batallas Porque Yahshua luchó una vez para siempre Y ya venció, así puedo vivir en paz Camin

How the War is One

This is how the war is one, one battle at a time, One truth, one hope, revelation Faith for grace divine. This is how the Kingdom spreads One victory, one vow Believing all that Yahweh says Receiving it in the now. Claiming Yahweh's victory He already gave to you Resting in His perfect peace, His Word that's ever true. This is how the battle ends When I surrender all Knowing Yahweh is my friend He'll never let me fall When I embrace eternal trust Believing Yahshua's Word That He proclaimed upon the cross "It is finished," vict'ry assured. For He has promised grace to us, To love us all our days Stretching His hands upon the cross By oath, confirmed His ways. And this is how the war is one: One battle fought for all When Yahweh sent His only son To undo Adam's fall. This is how the war is won, It's finished, I have peace Because I know the war is one Yahshua made it complete.

At My Fingertips

Have you ever felt that there was a revelation at the edge of your fingertips, Just out of reach, but that if you could stretch a little further, perhaps strain a little more, You'd find it? But I know that straining and striving are not the way, This is not how to obtain The revelation Yahweh gave Freely to you already by grace. So I stop reaching and I create, for all creation speaks of Yahweh's glory The heavens declare the glories of Yahweh But the act of creating itself binds irrevocably The Creator and the created For when I create, I understand The intricate nature of Yahweh's plan And marvel at His ability To make order out of mystery. And as the chaos of existence swirls around me, The emotions, the feelings, the thoughts that bring the doubts that plague my nights, Cause me to sweat, make my heart pound, steal my breath and make me wonder If I can ever really be free and complete When all along I was made to be Whole and beautiful, wise and f

Yes and Amen

To believe is to be, To have faith, to obtain life To decide, to choose, to see what nobody else can see, To ignore everything you've ever been told And all that you feel And step out there And know that what Yahweh says Is True and inalterable. To live. This pleases Yahweh, allows Him to give us that life He has been longing to give us since it was first lost to us When Adam disobeyed Which life He gave us before the foundation of the world, Reaffirmed His promise with an oath of confirmation On the cross, saying, yet again, "I love you" And asking of us only that we believe, have faith, obtain life That we decide, choose, elect to see What nobody else has seen, What nobody else can see for us What we must, ultimately see for ourselves The Word, Yahweh's Word About us Me. Who I am. What I am doing here. And what I was created to do Before the foundations of the world In the beginning When Yahweh created me and He said "Let there b