Election Day 2016

As I watch society's values slowly move away from mine
I must ask, where is my hope aligned
What is hidden is now being made sight
But greater visions must still come to light

Do I trust in chariots and in swords 
Or do I have faith in Yahweh's True Word
Do I trust in a system always destined to fail
Or do I know Yahweh's vision will always prevail

Yahweh's Truth can't be altered, it cannot be touched 
Only His will won't falter and shall be enough
So in faith I will press on no matter what comes
Because I live in a Kingdom that's already won

There's more freedom in Christ than in any one nation
And it cannot end due to any election
So no matter what happens at the end of the day
I will rest in the peace and the will of Yahweh. 


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