Knowing Reality

Oh why doesn’t knowing Reality mean that you only experience Reality?
How can something be so Real and so True
And yet so far away from me?
And how can everything that I See
Be so different than what I see?
And what choices lay in front of me?
Do I accept Reality
Or submit myself to what I see?
Do I choose to stand on the Word that I heard with faith
Or do I follow the well-trod path and decide that what I sense with my
ears, eyes, and body must be more Real than Him?
Is there anything but Yahweh?
Yahweh is all that there is!
So I must let go of my experiences,
my senses,
my very understanding of the world
and somehow receive Reality, trusting
that even if I don’t know how to experience Reality,
Reality will embrace me

Just as He always has before. 


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