What It's Like

How can I describe what it’s like
To have ascended beyond anything previously known?
Is it like what the astronauts felt
When they floated into space for the first time
And saw the Earth below them,
This giant blue marble
On which they’d lived their whole lives,
But which they could no longer see in the same way,
View expanded so that
Now they finally understood how their little blue marble
Fit into the grand scheme of the solar system?

Is it like what Einstein felt
When he saw the space-time continuum for the first time,
Realizing that his previous views of space and time,
In which he’d lived his whole life,
Was but a single perspective of a multi-dimensional
Kaleidoscope of a world,
One which to which he could never return
Now that he could see
How space and time fit together
Into the grand scheme of existence?

Is it like what Peter felt,
When asked, “Who do you say that I AM?”
And that bursting of knowledge inside of his heart
Answered even before he knew what was coming out of his lips,
“You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God,”
And even though He didn’t look like
The Messiah that Peter had been waiting for,
About whom he had been told his whole life,
He didn’t want to return to that perspective,
Now that he could see,
Could sense something greater,
For it was revealed to him by His Father in Heaven,
This grand scheme of existence,
The Greatest Love Story ever told?

Is it like what Moses felt when he saw the burning bush,
And was told that he—yes he—would lead the entire nation of Israel
Out of captivity?
Or when Abraham met Melchizedek
After fighting in a battle,
And, spirit leaping inside of him,
He chose to bow before this King
And offer Him a tithe?

Is this how Gideon felt in a winepress,
When told he was a mighty man,
Even though he probably thought
He’d never been mighty in his life?
Is this how Elijah felt
When he first saw the whirlwind
And knew that he would ascend
On the chariot of fire?

How many others have been here,
And how could they describe their feelings,
What it’s like to ascend to a place
That they know is beyond any human experience,
Beyond everything they’d ever thought possible,
And even beyond words

Is this what it’s like?

How can I say?  


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