
They committed adultery
When they chose theology
And departed from Yahweh
By separating themselves from themselves
By standards, laws, and regulations
Instead of the perfection of love,
They chose a semblance of righteousness
That required them to hurt others,
To devalue others,
To see less of Yahweh in others,
To not allow others to be themselves,
But instead require conformity to a set of external laws
That they did not even originate
And which were never meant to be for everyone

And as the separated themselves from themselves,
They lost the divine in those whom they called
“Not my people,”
Showing them no mercy,
They cut off and killed the expressions of those
Who were not considered worthy,
Not knowing the whole time
That they were murdering their brothers
And ostracizing kin

But one day they shall grow beyond the lower expressions,
The silly rules and regulations that they hold around them as righteousness,
They shall see the divine light
And honor Yahweh in each man,
And again they will partake of the fullness of the divine,
And all shall be One people
And Yahweh will be known among Us
As we gather together as One once again,
Separate only in the uniqueness of our expressions
Of the One Love that We are.


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