For Want of Connection

For a series of ifs, connection was lost
For want of connection, compassion was lost,
For want of compassion, expression was lost,
For want of expression, humanity lost

For want of connection, understanding was lost,
For want of understanding, perspective was lost,
For want of more perspectives, greater vision was lost,
For want of greater vision, humanity lost

For want of connection, listening to others was lost,
For want of listening to others, agreeing to disagree without hatred was lost,
For want of disagreement without hatred, peace was lost,
For want of peace, humanity lost

For want of connection, appreciating differences was lost,
For want of appreciating differences, acceptance was lost,
For want of acceptance, lives were lost,
And for each and every life lost,
Humanity lost

If they are carriers, we must lock them away,
If they don’t worship as we do, we must convert them,
If they are a different race, they must be dangerous
If they speak a different language, they must be stupid and uneducated,
If they vote a different way, we must vilify them,
If they won’t change to fit my mold, they must be evil and I must consider them anathema,
If they are different, they make me uncomfortable, and I must end their differences by any means necessary:
I must control them with laws, with force, with power,
I must convert them and change their mindsets and beliefs,
I must teach them my ways and demand that they conform to them,
I must segregate them in places far away from me where they cannot connect because of our differences,
And if none of that works,
I must kill them

For want of the kind of radical self-acceptance that makes it to where I as a person am okay with myself
even when others around me look, act, believe, and are at their very core different than I am,
The ability to connect to and love others just as they are and celebrate all of their differences was lost
And humanity lost
And humanity lost
And humanity lost
And humanity is losing still…


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