We Are the Throwaway People

We are the throwaway people,
The ones who don’t fit in or conform to societal norms,
The ones who are told every day they are not worth the inconvenience of getting to know
Because it’s too hard to try to understand someone whose intuition is so outside the norm
And for whom “common sense” is counterintuitive,
We are Jesus and Galileo and Siddhartha and Einstein, Martin King and Tesla and Zoroaster and Moses,
The ones who will move society forward because we cannot be complacent in a world designed
to kill us,
Or we are the countless others who died without names alone in a hole in the dark because
the world around us was designed to kill us,
And every day we get the message that society is better off without us,
And maybe it is, for society doesn’t want to change, doesn’t want to be moved forward,
It wants to stay the same,
But the individuals in society will miss us, for they will be stuck in complacency without us,
And they will not know what they’re missing until it’s gone,
Religion excommunicates us,
Systems reject us,
The powers that be persecute us,
And the future embraces us,
We are the throwaway people,
And we fight every day to stay,
To be in a world antithetical to our own well-being,
To value ourselves in a way that cannot be damaged by the consistent message that society preaches
That we do not, as we are, deserve to live,
And yet, were it not for us,
Society would wither away in stagnation,
Consumed by the traditions of past theologies,
The desire to maintain order,
And the fear of losing power,
So that the future dies before it can even begin,
But we are stronger than religion,
More creative than the system,
And more omnipotent than the powers that be,
So we will not only see the future,
We will be the ones to shape it,
Fuck you, society! I will not be thrown away! I will fight you! I will stay alive in spite of you!
And I will kill you by making you better, kinder, gentler,
More open to the outcast,
More accepting of difference,
More loving toward all human beings no matter who they are or what they look like or how they believe,
We are the throwaway people,
And in the end,
We will win.


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