Embracing the Negativity

 Positive vibes only,

Speak beautiful words,

What you focus on, you create,

Be more positive,

Your thoughts are seeds, grow flowers not weeds


Any world built upon these concepts

Is built upon a graveyard of suppressed fears, traumas, anger, and resentment,

Which will eventually curse the beautiful city

With the rottenness of duality and unexpressed emotion,

Rising from the darkness,

Anger will come and destroy the illustrious edifices

Bitterness will waft noxious fumes over the parks and the houses,

And the streets will run with the unshed tears of the child you were

When first you learned

That the world isn’t fair or loving or kind


Your world will be one of all of the horrors

Perpetuated by the unprocessed traumas that were perpetrated upon you

By those who were not allowed to process their own experiences,

And so they turned to hurting others as they were hurt

Because they, too, built their worlds upon the idea

That pain is best kept hidden,

For misery is unacceptable,

And all of Job’s friends only blamed him for his suffering


Eventually you will be left with nothing

But illness and death and the chance to start over,

But if you build again using this same formula,

You will only endure a perpetual cycle

Of creation and destruction and disappointment


Instead build a world with the full spectrum of emotion

And all of the colors from black to gold

That create a full picture of existence,

Let your anger rage at the abuse and suffering that needs to be destroyed,

Let your bitterness be a cloying gall that brings awareness to injustice

and will not let men slumber under the delusion

that such injustice does not exist,

And let your agony keen and let your tears flow because

It was not fair what happened to you,

And you did not deserve to suffer


And the new world you build will be beautiful,

Anger and hope, darkness and light, bitterness and faith, sorrow and joy,

And all of it accepted as beautiful expressions of Love

Working together in various forms for the purpose of making something wonderful

He who has ears to hear, let him hear,

And he who has the strength to embrace the negativity and the joy, let him build the future we will live in.


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