

Sweet, flavorful, musical.
They roll around in my mind like candy in my mouth
As I discern their flavor.

This one is sweet, with a hint of a snap after it has been fully absorbed.
That one is crunchy and textured like a wafer cookie that crumbles as I imbibe it.
This one is bitter, jarring, sour. The edges are sharp, and I spit it out.
That one is chewy…it’ll be with me for a while. There’s something more to that one. Let me ponder it.

This one has a hint of salt
That one too much sugar
This word isn’t right
Time to choose another.

Some I like, some I don’t, but that’s not the real question.
I must ask, for it is my nature.
Which one, which word, has more than the flavor of joy or sadness, sugar or horseradish?
Which one, which word, has that ever so important hint of that one flavor
That matters above all else?
Like a chocolate bar with a caramel center,
Which word is filled
With the essence
Of Holy Spirit? 


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