Riches of Righteousness

The riches of righteousness belong to me
A gift from my Father so I can see
Beyond the horizon to spiritual things
And walk in the authority of His Name

The riches of righteousness give me the grace
To move in the Earth and changes its face
To bring Yahweh's Kingdom here again
To promote truth and justice, and light without end

The riches of righteousness set me free
From striving to do, think, say, or be
Anything more than I already am,
A faithful son at my Father's command.

The riches of righteousness are now mine
So I can participate in the dance divine
So I may, with Yahweh, partner and partake
Of His divine nature for His divine sake.

I walk in the riches of righteousness now
But I did not do it, so don't ask me how
I simply trust Yahweh; My Father can't lie
And so I will live, even though I must die.

The riches of righteousness are totally free
But they did require everything of me
I gave up what was dying to obtain forever
And now I find that I can never
Be less than all that I ever was
As Yahweh my God shows me His love.


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