The Importance of Seeing

Eyes are buckets on a well string
Drawing forth the water of life
As you see the vision clearly
You’ll be able to imbibe

Life’s a river ‘neath the surface
We can sense but not partake
Until we draw forth to fruition
By our holy, righteous faith

So stoke the fire, ready buckets
For the dam’s about to break
It is time to see the fullness
Time to operate in grace

Time to take from below, reaching
To the full manifestation
On the surface to flow freely
A gift of life to all the nations

Life’s a wellspring never drying
Never dark or running out
There’s no end to what we’ll find
When we’ve the faith to draw it out

Then established on the surface,
We’ll find more still to intake
And we’ll share in holy purpose

As with Yahweh we life make. 


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