The Endless Bang

There’s movement!
The molecules of His Heart spinning and swirling at a new frequency,
heretofore unknown, heretofore unmade
Faster and faster they spin,
undulating, gyrating, twisting and twirling and running about
Love, Love, Love, Love
The sound of His Heartbeat increasing, growing,
rising, multiplying
It’s coming, it’s coming, it’s coming
Until He can’t stand it any longer,
The love within Him too strong and too powerful
The joy set before Him
And He has no choice
Existence flows out of Him as a river gushes forth from a burst dam
And suddenly there is the Beginning
And I am here,
I come to be!
Immediately I am aware of my existence and the One to whom I owe it,
His Name on my lips with my first breath,
Before I ever make a sound I submit to His Frequency,
And I am surrounded by endless Love,
Swirling and spinning and undulating in an immeasurable vortex of ecstasy,
And I begin to be filled,
Filled to the brim with the very same endless Love that surrounds me
and of which I am made,
Until suddenly, I am filled to overflowing, and I cannot contain it
any more than He could contain it Himself,
And I explode with the Love of my Father that I must now return to Him
and share with others,
Love, Love, Love,
The very sound of my heartbeat,
And all around me I notice that very same thing happening to others,
For the river rushes ever forward,
And that first bang continues in echoes throughout that space and time that
He created through it,

Endless Love, Love, Love.


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