Creating Darkness

 In a world bent on valuing only light,
We create so much darkness
By leaving anyone with any sort of difference, difficulty, or pain
By causing shame and inauthenticity as we label certain people
By deciding certain expressions of humanity are more valuable than others
We all dream of better futures,
But we judge and devalue those who make choices that are different than our own,
Slander and malign those who,
Through no fault of their own,
Have lives that are less than our perfect ideal,
And if anyone has been through anything at all,
We force them to hide it because it might make us uncomfortable
We deem some worthy of our time and others unworthy of our effort
Chasing happiness, light, life, and joy,
We create so much sorrow, darkness, death, and agony
Because of what we do not value,
Who we do not embrace,
And the overall message we send:
You are not, as you are, worthy; you do not, as you are, matter
We create so much darkness when we convey these messages,
Positive vibes only,
You’re killing the mood,
Choose joy,
Don’t be so negative,
Create your own reality by thinking of beautiful things,
Only speak beautiful words,
Be grateful for what you have,
Don’t worry, be happy…
Maybe that’s okay, though, to create darkness,
Because isn’t darkness valuable, too?
It’s just ironic that we create all this darkness
While claiming to worship light.


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