The Stirring of the Prophets

The prophets are stirring tonight
As old and new mix together
And all things become One
Behold! I tell you a new thing, one that has never been seen before
And has not yet been spoken of

A Light shines in the darkness,
and a voice cries in the wilderness,
All wastelands shall become green again,
and the desolate places made new

I am awakening a people who will hear My voice and heed My calls,
They shall cry out with Me and amplify My sound,
Resonating with My heartbeat
They shall magnify My light until it can be seen throughout the ages
and amplify My sound until it can be heard throughout the nations

Behold! All things are made new,
And what was once hidden is now being revealed to the apostles and the prophets,
An old manifestation is rising up again,
and the things that were covered in darkness are now being shown as in a spotlight
The world will reckon with and recognize what is coming out of this place and time

Tonight I shall make an offering, a choice set before you,
Even as of old,
Life and death,
And for those who will choose to hear and resonate with Me,
Who will trust Me and allow Me to work in them,
I shall give them a new thing, a new way,
And it shall be great and glorious
The dreams and visions heretofore known shall seem tiny in the eyes of those
who see this Light

Behold! I call you out and call you forth to see!
The Lamb was slain from the Beginning of the world,
and you were in Him at the slaying, even as in the resurrection
The Blood of the Lamb is your blood, even as you are in His Blood
And you shall see with His eyes,

Take up the new wine
From this cup I have offered before time
And now in time
The moment is coming,
Enter in and do not let it pass you by
It is fast, like a roaring lion,
And you shall see it even as you circle round about it

Behold! I give you Life and Life more abundantly,
The great and glorious Day of the Lord is here,
And you shall see,
But you need not fear if you can trust Me

I am the Resurrection and the Life,
He who believes in Me shall never die,
But they shall look upon the face of the One who was slain with new eyes,
I give you new eyes,
Oh look now! Oh see! Become radiant with the power that is within you,
It's Me.
Look at Me!
Know Me!
Come and know Me!

Now is the time to enter in.
This moment has been anointed.
Enjoy kairos.
Enjoy it.
It is a gift.
I give it to you now.
Even so, be at peace.
For there is more power in the wind of the Spirit breeze than any hurricane.


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